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Semen Analysis

Specimen Collection Instructions

Semen Analysis and Sperm Motility Assay

  • The fee is $200.00 payable at the time of your appointment.
  • Book an appointment with the ONE Fertility Kitchener Waterloo receptionist by phoning 519-650-0011. You will require your Health Card to book the appointment so please have it available when you call. Be aware that appointments fill quickly. Please call as soon as possible to arrange a convenient time.
  • You should abstain from sexual activity for a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 7 days before you collect your specimen.
  • The specimen must be collected by masturbation in a sterile container (which may be acquired from the clinic). If a portion of the specimen is lost, please inform the lab staff when you drop the sample off. A second sample, collected on a later date, may be required.
  • Seal the container tightly and label with your first and last name and time of collection. Place the container in a brown paper bag. Maintain the sample container at body temperature during transport to the lab by keeping it in an inside breast pocket or under your arm.
  • The specimen must be delivered to the lab within 60 minutes of collection.
  • Your health card and a requisition from your doctor (unless you are already a patient of ONE Fertility) must be presented when you drop off your sample.  The sample will not be collected if you do not have your health card at the time of drop off.

All results are mailed to your physician within 5-7 business days or reviewed at your follow-up appointment.